Tuesday trading session in the American stock market can be generally characterized as a day of abrupt movements.

At the opening, the market entered active correction due to growing inflation expectations; however, by the time of writing this review, it recouped about a half of the decline.
As at 8:00 p.m. (MSK), S&P500 index fell by 0.65%, Dow Jones went down about 0.4%, and NASDAQ technology index lost 1.9% — more than the others — due to many IT companies’ stock being overbought.


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«Московские партнеры» – инвестиционная компания, ориентированная на работу с:

  • фондами прямых и венчурных инвестиций
  • перспективными компаниями малой и средней капитализации
  • частными инвесторами

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