Should we expect a global wave of inflation in 2021?

Business Journal

On March 24, the Suez Canal – a crucial sea trade route – was completely blocked. 6.3 million barrels of oil were stuck in a huge traffic jam, including $400 million worth of Russian oil. It took five days to refloat the container ship, but it will take several weeks to restore traffic. However, the Higher School of Economics professor and co-chairman of the Party of Growth Evgeny Kogan believes that the Suez Canal obstruction should not significantly affect the price of oil.


The information provided is not an individual investment recommendation.

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«Московские партнеры» – инвестиционная компания, ориентированная на работу с:

  • фондами прямых и венчурных инвестиций
  • перспективными компаниями малой и средней капитализации
  • частными инвесторами

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