Investment Banker Evgeny Kogan is the new head of the Stolypin Club

Economics Today

The informal entrepreneurs association elected co-chairman of the Party of Growth Evgeny Kogan as its new president.

As a result of the Stolypin Club session ‘Centenary of Russia’s New Economic Policy. Historical experience and modern times’, the association elected its new president: National Research University – Higher School of Economics professor Evgeny Kogan.


The information provided is not an individual investment recommendation.

Обратная связь

«Московские партнеры» – инвестиционная компания, ориентированная на работу с:

  • фондами прямых и венчурных инвестиций
  • перспективными компаниями малой и средней капитализации
  • частными инвесторами

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