U.S. and Russia. “Toy” sanctions and real intentions


Evgeny Kogan
President, Moscow Partners Investment Group; Ph.D. in Economics, Professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia
Andrei Manoilo
Professor at the Faculty Of Political Science of Moscow State University

The United States is expelling 10 Russia’s diplomats. Biden approved another round of sanctions. Sanctioned this time are 16 entities and 16 individuals alleged to have “attempted to influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election at the direction of the leadership of the Russian Government”. In addition, U.S. companies are now forbidden to buy Russian government bonds directly. Joe Biden also declared a national emergency to deal with the Russian threat. Several hours after that, however, the U.S. President made a public speech entirely dedicated to relationship between the U.S. and Russia. He described his recent telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin as “candid and respectful”. He said Russia and the U.S. are “two great powers”, and “Russians and Americans are both proud and patriotic people”. He also said it is now time to relieve tensions.
And now Russia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov announces expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats. What further developments should we expect in relationship between the two countries? We asked experts.


The information provided is not an individual investment recommendation.

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